Feature List
•W65C02S MPU running at 8MHz. Refer to the W65C02S Datasheet for details on the processor.
•2 x W65C22N VIA (1/2) ‐ One for USB FIFO Interface and one VIA Expansion Port
• 1 x W65C21 PIA with PIA Expansion Port
•1 x W65C51N ACIA with ACIA Expansion Port
•1 x XBus02 Connector with full address, data and control lines of the processor and 3 external chip selects
•1 x 128Kbytes FLASH ROM (32PLCC Socket) mapped as upper 32KB of Memory Map with overlays off of 2 IO pins from W65C22 TIDE (VIA2) Port
•1 x 32Kbytes SRAM
•Programming/Debug Interface – FTDI245 FIFO VIA2 (W65C22N) using the on board ROM Monitor.
•Micro USB Connector – USB Power and Debugging Interface