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Creating Your Technology Club

Technology Club Formation Information


Technology Club provides a place for the introduction of cohort study regarding principles and practices that are the foundation of understanding how technology and engineering support each other as well as how they work. At the heart of the Technology Club initiative lies true understanding of what we know; a mode of thought that goes well beyond the standard division of software and hardware, and that provides a framework within each student the ability to reason about systems and problems. This mode of thinking and understanding is supported and complemented by substantial theoretical and practical knowledge applications which enlighten the participant.

Technology Clubs goal is to provide practical subject matter promoting the ability for invention, resourcefulness and ultimately innovation. It prepares participants for the world that doesn’t yet exist, involving technologies that have not yet been invented, and that present technical and ethical challenges of which we are not yet aware.

Why create a Technology Club:

Technology Club embraces the fundamental understanding of “DISCIPLINES” which provide long-term value and longevity although the subject advances.

• Understanding for Success: The teaching of critical thinking is discussed, based on the view that methods of teaching critical thinking vary from discipline to discipline. After covering basic concepts related to teaching critical thinking, a framework to examine the process of critical thinking is presented, based on cognitive science and developmental theory for each module.

• A “discipline” is characterized by:
– A body of knowledge
– A set of techniques and methods
– A way of thinking and working
– Longevity
– Independence from specific technologies

Creating your Technology Club

Keys to success with a Technology Club cohort
• Group like-minded persons
• Geographically close (same campus, same university, same city)
• Passion/ interest for technology
• Readiness for knowledge sharing
• Expanding of social sphere about how technology and engineering works
• Find a good space within your school for communication and gaining new understanding

Get Efficient
• It’s about technology and engineering understanding so start with a basic presentation of your interests and intentions.
• Prepare presentation about interesting topic(s) for you and your cohort
• Find a facility for club within your school.
• Identify days of the week which Xxcelr8r Club will take place.
• Send out invitation to Technology Club at your school

• Find out meeting days for Technology Club at your school
• Technology Club is best facilitated as an after school enrichment program. This maintains proper flexibility and separation from state and federal standards requirements.
• Technology Club should meet not less than 1hr per meeting.
– Engage Cohort Participants
• Send out a notice through your school newsletter or by passing out flyers presenting Technology Club and why it is important.

Engage Presenters/Module Developers
• Create a core of presenters/module developers by engaging applicable local companies, universities and colleges of engineering who are willing to help identify their module and how it applies to the presentation of disciplines related to technology and engineering.

Leadership needs of a Technology Club success
• Identify Technology coach for your school who will organize your club and its actives
– This can be your schools technology teacher or another qualified individual
• Get support from your school principle and/or school district
• Create a core team – people who are ready to present and to help with organizing modules
• Make meetings for planning. This helps you to:
– Create a strategy for your Technology Club development
– Create Club module outline
– Discuss topics to present
– Solve other strategic and organizational questions

The meeting location should have the following:
• Desktop PC’s or Laptops which run windows
• Effective and reliable Internet via hardwire or wireless
• Projector and/or TV with remote capabilities
• Screen or white board
• Chairs
• Lab desk or equivalent areas
The size of room should be relevant for the audience.
Make sure that all participants can attend your meeting.

Engage Participants recommendations:
• Module Subject Fliers– Post fliers about Technology Club and new modules around school
• Social Media– Post messages and more content in school, share you experience with your peers and work to make your Technology Club all it can be.

Engage Presenters/Module Developers:
• Create a list of desirable presenters or module supporters from business and education leaders.
• Introduce presenter with the opportunity to participate and support a module within Xxcelr8r Club.
• Work with presenter to identify their value proposition for Technology Club based on the concepts behind the importance of a Technology Club.
• Engage engineering leaders from local universities or colleges of engineering.
• Presenters websites – Request presenters to post information about their module and participation on their website

Added value behind Technology Club
• Promotion of understanding by gaining experience regarding disciplines behind Technologies and Engineering
• The modules align with standard classroom discussion and study groups
• It’s easier to learn together
• Give back to your community by increasing understanding and partnership development with local companies and educational entities.
• Work together in a community project (web app for a high school, local library, hospital, etc)